Weswal Gallery

Weswal Gallery is a professionally operated commercial fine art gallery based in Tamworth NSW. Housed in a beautiful old converted joinery, Weswal hosts a diverse exhibition program of regional and national emerging and established artists. The gallery also has a stockroom that holds hundreds of artworks available for sale, and a gallery shop offering a range of Australian artisanal objects including jewellery, ceramics, woodwork and glassware. Workshops and public programs are held periodically, register to receive the gallery e-newsletter on Weswal's homepage.
192 Brisbane Street, Tamworth
Thursday - Friday: 10am to 4pm
Saturday - Sunday: 10am to 2pm
p: 6766 5847
e: info@weswalgallery.com.au
w: www.weswalgallery.com.au
or use the form below to send an email direct to Weswal Gallery