4Eva Keepsakes Gunnedah

4Eva Keepsakes Gunnedah is an antique, upcycling, handcrafted store where we have combined our love of art and craft into our workshops that are inclusive for all. Our workshops vary from leadlighting to jewellery making, upcycling, cardmaking, scrapbooking, mixed media, painting, tie dying, alcohol inks and much more. Our rustic garden with its standard roses is a tranquil setting for our workshops, functions and markets. Our motto is: "Warning: Having R&R with creativity thrown in can be addictive!"
38 Barber Street, Gunnedah
9.30am to 5pm Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; 9.30am to 3pm Saturdays
p: 0427 425 911
e: 4evakeepsakes@gmail.com
or use the form below to send an email direct to 4Eva Keepsakes Gunnedah.