Chaucer on Bridge Street Gallery

Chaucer on Bridge Street is a family owned and operated gallery displaying ceramics, paintings and textile work created by family members and other local artists. It was opened in 2000 by David Evans and since his death has been maintained by Helen and her son Michael. Michael makes as variety of crystalline ceramics including basins, birdbaths and water features as well as vases and mugs. On Saturdays he gives pottery classes in the gallery studio. Helen sews textile pictures and tactile books for young children. Examples of her work are on display. Some silver jewellery and Celtic jewellery is also available at the gallery.
42 Bridge Street, Uralla
Thursday, Friday and Saturday: 10am to 4pm
Sunday: 1pm to 4pm
p: 0458 783 806
or use the form below to send an email direct to Chaucer on Bridge Street Gallery.